
Hi, Mama!  I’m so glad you stopped by.  I’m Jenny.  I have a houseful of wild and amazing little people, and if you have found your way here then maybe you have one, or a handful, as well.  I have found life as a mama to be one anointed with blessing, and anointed with suffering.  I feel sometimes like my heart has been ripped out and given legs.  And no matter how desperately I try to “do it right,” this world will wound their bodies and their hearts, and mine will hemorrhage with the weight of it.  

And so, I’m on a journey to discover that it must not be about “doing it right,” after all.  You and I, sister, we have been chosen by God for a great work in raising our children.  But even more, we have been chosen by a great God who knew we wouldn’t be able to do it all right, and so he graciously sent a great Savior in Jesus, who has already finished the work on the cross.  

I’ve decided that being a great mama must be more about being on my knees than being on my game.

But I need friends to remind me.  Would you grab a cup of coffee, and sit with me here?

Motherhood is a beautiful mess of weakness and surrender and raw mercy.  This is a place to breathe deep and let the grace of Christ Jesus wash over you. 



Photograph by Sheila Perez